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The Project

The existing IL 18 Bridge over the Illinois River at the city of Henry was constructed in 1934. Due to the age and condition of the bridge, the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) District 4 evaluated potential improvement options for the bridge. The project is needed to accommodate IL Route 18 traffic through the project area across the Illinois River on a transportation system that is structurally sound, meets current design standards, provides a safe crossing for the public, reduces flooding over IL Route 18, supports connectivity needs, and meets the need of river traffic.

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The Site

The project study limits extend from the intersection of IL Route 18 and 3rd Street in Henry to the intersection of IL Route 18 and IL Route 26 east of the Illinois River. The study includes an assessment of improvement alternatives for the structure and associated improvements to the IL Route 18 roadway on either side of the Illinois River. Alternatives include rehabilitation of the existing structure on the existing alignment as well as new structures on new alignments.

For an information sheet about the IL 18 River Bridge Project, please click here.

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The Study

The IL 18 River Bridge Project took a detailed look at the options for rehabilitation or replacement of the existing structure carrying IL Route 18 over the Illinois River.  The Illinois Department of Transportation and its consultant team inventoried existing conditions (such as traffic data and crash history) and identified and documented environmental constraints as parts of the study process.  The Project Study Group (IDOT and the consultant team), with input from the public, has also developed and refined improvement options (alternatives).  The existing conditions, alternatives, potential impacts, and mitigation are documented in a report.  The result of the study is a preferred alternative for a bridge that addresses identified transportation issues and serves the area’s future needs.